Christ, who has instituted government in His church, has furnished some men, besides the ministers of the Word (Pastors), with gifts of leadership and shepherdship. Such officers, chosen by the people from among their number, are called ruling elders. Ruling elders, individually and jointly with the pastor in the session, lead the church in the service of Christ. They watch diligently over the people committed to their charge and care for them. They visit the sick, instruct the ignorant, comfort the mourning, and nourish and guard the children of the covenant. They pray with and for the people. They have care for the doctrine and conduct of the Pastor and help him in his labors.
Our current elders are the following:
Pastor Francis VanDelden
Rev. Steve Hake
Dennis Caruso (clerk)
Karl Koops
Dave Myers
Joel Poortenga (moderator)
Click here to see personal biographies of each session member: Elder Biographies
For more information on eldership in the OPC, click here